четверг, 7 марта 2013 г.

Facts About Fat in Your Diet

To help control weight loss, one of the first things that you should do is begin to consume the right kind of dietary fats; this is especially important to your health and success. The key is in knowing which fats are healthy, and which fats are not. When you consume enough healthy fats that are also all natural, your body will function the way it is supposed to. If all you consume is unnatural processed fats, you are setting yourself up to fail at weight loss, but how do you really know which ones are healthy and which one's are not?

Healthy dietary fats are easily processed by your body, provide essential minerals, and create energy. They regulate hormones, burn fat more quickly, and build muscle. Unhealthy fats create quick highs in energy, and sudden drops. They also create cravings that lead to more unhealthy eating.

Healthy fats are unrefined, all natural, and can be found in extra virgin olive oil, and dry roasted nuts and seeds. Another source of healthy fats are found in fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel. They are full of heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids. Healthy fats are known as polyunsaturated fats and not only promote heart health, but are essential for reducing inflammation, increase brain function, regulate moods, ward off degenerative diseases, and help control your weight. On the other hand, Unhealthy fats wreak havoc in your body.

Unhealthy fats are found in refined or hydrogenated cooking oils such as vegetable oil or corn oil,among the many others that are found at your grocery store. Unhealthy fats are also found in shortening, margarine, and all of the processed foods that taste good but sabotage your diet. These fats are unnaturally processed, do not digest easily, and contribute to weight gain and heart disease.

If you are serious about losing weight, avoid the snack food isle. The majority of the foods that you find in this isle have been cooked in hydrogenated oils. Read your labels; if your food isn't natural don't eat it. I realize that it can be easier said than done when it is so convenient to just open a bag, or can and have instant snacks or dinner, but it is the only way you will truly succeed at winning the weight loss battle.

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