среда, 30 января 2013 г.

Get Rid of Belly Fat Fast - 3 Deadly Things You Must Know When You Are Trying To Lose Belly Fat

How many days more do you want to go by where you wake up every morning and look at the mirror just to see that overhanging belly that never seems to go in?

Have you ever wished to just chop if off once and for all?

How many times have you got upset when you couldn't buy a nice pair of jeans that fits your size?

You need to forget the idea of a thousand of crunches. I bet that even if you do a million crunches, you are going to get the same slow result as doing a hundred crunches. So don't waste your time and energy in something that simple won't work.

Getting flat abs is every man and woman's dream, in their consciousness or at least in their sub consciousness. And that dream of yours can very soon become a reality if you follow the following steps I have outlined in a simple and easy to follow system.

# You need to think big.

If you are working to get rid of belly fat ONLY, then you have to understand that every time you lose a pound of fat in your belly, another pound of fat falls into your belly from another part of your body.

This shows that you have excess fat. And if this is the case, you can't get rid of belly fat by simple ab crunches. You need to work on getting rid of fat from all over your body. This means, you need to do more resistance training that works your entire body.

# You need resistance training.

Since you goal is to get rid of belly fat FAST, the best exercises to perform are ones that can turn your body into fat burning blowtorch. And what are these exercises called? Compound Exercises.

Compound exercises, to be simply put, are single exercises that target many muscle groups all at once.


The Famous "Pushup", targets the biceps, triceps, chest, back, shoulders, and the abs.

The Powerful "Dead lift", targets the thighs, quads, buns, abs, core, traps.

Let's compare:

Bicep Curl targets the biceps.

Tricep Kickback targets the triceps.

Leg Press targets the quads.

You can get a hardcore fat loss workout in less than 10 minutes if you choose the right compound exercises.

If you want to get rid of belly fat fast, you need resistance training, and the fastest resistance training exercises that can speed up the goal to losing belly fat and getting that nice set of abs is compound exercises.

# You need a proper Diet and Nutrition plan.

Did you know that diet and nutrition accounts for 80% of your body fat system? If you want to get rid of belly fat fast, then you need to:

=> Eat more often, a minimum of 6 short meals a day.

=> Have a portion of lean protein in every meal. This could be a protein shake, chicken breast etc...

=> Eat breakfast like a king, and dinner like a peasant. This means, you need to eat less in your dinner than you eat in your other meals.

=> Like parents always say, always eat your green vegetables.

=> Try to have a glass of green tea after every meal. This helps control your hunger.

=> Drink a minimum of 10 glasses a day.

=> Keep sugar levels low, but not too low, you need a little sugar to keep your system active. No wonder eating too many chocolates makes us hyper active.

=> Never let yourself to starve. This trigger's fasting inside your system, and starts storing more fat instead of burning them.

If you want to get rid of belly fat, then you really have to follow the diet and nutrition plan. It is the most important of all factors. Even if you skip the first three factors, Diet and nutrition can help you achieve 80% of your fat loss goal.

So, to sum it up, three things are crucial if you want to get rid of belly fat fast. You need to lose fat from all over your body, perform more compound exercises, and an optimized diet and nutrition plan.

women diet secrets

вторник, 29 января 2013 г.

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Этот банковский проект не нуждается в излишней похвале – его условия просты и прозрачны. Любой потребитель банка сможет Взять Кредит наличными и проверить в этом, обратившись в отделение банка, а так же Ренесcанс предлагает большой ассортимент продуктов для обратившихся клиентов, это и онлайн банкинг, и информирование смс, и справка для клиентов с помощью круглосуточной тех службы сервиса. Также, с помощью банка Ренесcанс вы сможете взять микрозайма через сайт, что существенно бережёт ваше время. Заявку можно оформить прямо на сайте банка. Заполнив ваши данные и определив программы вы можете быть уверенным, что в минимальное время с вами свяжется работник банка и обьяснит вам, как получить долгожданный вам микрозайм. Сумма займа банка Ренесcанс колеблится и доходят до 500 тысяч рублей. Процент значительно разница от многих рекламируемых другими банками, плюс к этому есть возможность перерасчета ежегодного % на остаток средств, поэтому открывать счет в этом банке еще и целесообразно. Положительным ньюансом для клиента станет возможность взять кредит с нулевой процентной ставкой по кредиту на время до полутора месяцев – для многих это будет немаловажным фактором. Ведь если вы берете кредит на недолгий срок и ждёте принятия собственных денежных средств, которыми намечаете выплатить ссуду – лишние траты вам совершенно ни к чему. Ваша карта банка будет выпущенна почти за считанные минуты, а для оформления нужен лишь паспорт. В далекое прошлое ушли поиски поручителя, банк доверяет необходимую денежную сумму именно вам, а небольшой тариф сделает ваше сотрудничество интеренсым и надежным. И вот еще что , обслуживание карты также будет бесплатным, что экономически лучше отделяет Банк Ренесcанс от многих других банков, ссужающих кредиты. Тут вы получите возможность сделать депозит под проценты, получить ипотечный кредит, открыть счет, сделать платёж в другое государство или столицу, в общем, банк распологает широким спектром услуг для любого потребителя. Контролировать свой счет возможно из другой точки земного шара, посредством онлайн банкингу вы сами контролируете все переводы средств, не имеет значения, находитесь ли вы дома или в путешествии. Возврат кредита возможно многими вариантами – это и банкоматы, и почтовые отделения вашего района и оператор Рапида, перечислением из любого другого банка, а также через бухгалтерию по месту трудоустроийства. Партнерство с банком Ренесcанс – выгодно и приятно в любой ситуации. Подготовлено сайтом http://kreditocenka.ru/

пятница, 25 января 2013 г.

Blood Pressure Medicine Side Effects - When It Becomes a Problem Not a Solution

Hypertension, also referred to as the "silent killer" is often the symptom of some other malfunction in your body. Although there are actual natural alternatives and/or home remedies to lower blood pressure, physicians use medications to combat the "silent killer."

The problem with this is the fact that you become a victim of the annoying blood pressure medicine side effects. Physicians are generally satisfied with prescribing medications because it is effective short- term in that it may actually lower the blood pressure.

It is very important to know that drugs do not cure high blood pressure. They are more of a temporary fix. Sometimes the drugs make a patient experience worse pain in other areas. The physicians usually prescribe four major types of medications to lower blood pressure. The medications are diuretics, beta- blockers, ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers. Hypertension is the result of irresponsible lifestyle choices; the drugs are masks, not a cure.

Any drug with the least amount of toxic can cause horrifying side effects. Here are the medications and their individual side effects. Even as the blood pressure may decrease you may inevitably feel worse on the drugs.

Blood Pressure Medicine Side Effects:

1. Diurectics

The least toxic of all the anti- hypertension drug treatment-diuretics are basically dehydrators, meaning they are used to remove fluid from your body by way of the kidneys. The problem with this method of lowering blood pressure is that you are also removing vital minerals such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium.

Draining these minerals from your body will cause electrolyte imbalances in your body. Diuretics also cause irregular heartbeat, gout, kidney damage or failure, abnormal cholesterol, uremia, hyperglycemia, impotency, indigestion, visual disturbances, headaches and anemia.

2. Beta- Blockers

Beta- Blockers reduce the force of your heart contractions. As the heartbeat decreases, the blood pressure lowers. This is a dangerous cardiac drug; therefore there will be obvious signs of serious heart disease. You may experience congestive heart failure (basically a heart attack) or arrhythmias.

3. ACE Inhibitors

ACE Inhibitors is generally a "chemical attack." The drug blocks the release of the molecule, Angiotensin which actually raises the blood pressure. More so, this agent is a protective mechanism that is designed to maintain your "homostasis." This eventually causes a chemical turbulence as it throws off your biological balance.

4. Calcium Channel Blockers

Calcium Channel Blockers are extremely dangerous as they block the movement of calcium across all membranes. This causes your arteries to dilate while reducing the resistance to blood flow. Calcium Channel Blockers can cause heart failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, liver and kidney damage and a reduced white blood cell count.

As you can see, blood pressure medicine side effects are excruciating and extremely dangerous. Physicians are convinced that if your blood pressure is lowered, the problem is solved. However, the side effects may inevitably become a problem, not a solution.

четверг, 24 января 2013 г.

High Blood Pressure - The Silent Killer

Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Veins, on the other hand, carry the de-oxygenated blood from the rest of the body to the heart. The arteries themselves when healthy are smooth and flexible; this insures blood flow is unobstructed. This flow puts pressure on the elastic arterial wall. The measurement of this force is what is known as blood pressure.

The pressure is not recorded as a single number, but as two, double figure digits. The higher number is known as the systolic pressure. This records the pressure in milimeters of Mercury when the heart beats and sends blood forcibly to the arterial wall. The lower number is known as the diastolic pressure. This is the pressure exerted in the space between the heartbeats. This is the resting phase and thus registers the relaxing pressure. A normal blood pressure would be 120/80. Higher readings such as 135/86 indicate a warning that something might not be quite right and deserves further attention. A single reading is seldom to be trusted as blood pressure can fluctuate. For a more accurate picture, readings need to be taken over a few days to show a more precise trend. If the blood pressure is drifting off to the high side, then remedial steps need to be taken.

High blood pressure can damage the arterial and venous system and this puts the individual at increased risk of stroke, kidney failure, and heart disease and can sometimes predict a heart attack. The alarming fact is that high blood pressure is rarely discernible, and that's why it is referred to as "the silent killer." As a safety precaution it is necessary to have the numbers verified on a regular basis You can do this by going for check-ups with your Doctor or health care professional and to make matters even easier many pharmacies now offer blood pressure testing as an over the counter service. If you find that your blood pressure is on the high side, say 150/90 then you need to make some positive changes and you need to make them quickly!

If you are a smoker, stop a.s.a.p. Chemicals in tobacco, and there are over 600 of them can raise blood pressure. When you inhale cigarette smoke you adrenal glands get a huge kick. This shifts you into "flight or fight mode". In sympathetic dominance your blood pressure automatically rises. Another factor is being overweight, as this has a tendency to increase blood pressure. If you are carrying a few extra kilos introduce a healthy eating program and start an exercise regime. Begin easily, and if you are very heavy seek advice so you don't overdo things! In any case a regular brisk walk is probably good for everybody.

Another sign is "ormentum fat", namely a spreading waistline which often becomes an unsightly beer belly. If weight piles on easily and becomes difficult to shift there is an indication you might well have a blood sugar issue. This condition is known as metabolic syndrome and warns you that insulin is beginning to lose the ability to enter cells and scoop up glucose. Alcohol is a sugar and can often lie at the root of this condition. If you find yourself experiencing some of these symptoms coupled with irritability and mood swings, go and have you blood sugar levels checked. A fall off in the production of insulin will see blood sugar levels rising and with them an increase in blood pressure. Don't despair all of this can be addressed by altering the diet and introducing a regular exercise e regime. Oh, and it might be a good idea to reduce alcohol consumption!

Another blood pressure increaser is stress. Again the story goes back to the "flight and fight syndrome", If we are either angry or afraid there is an adrenal response that puts our bodies in a perceived better state to deal with the increased stress, just like smoking this will result in increased blood pressure. If you find yourself getting increasingly wound up by the vagaries of life, then that is a good indication you are negatively stressed. It also warns you that the time has come to do something about the problem. There are many people qualified to help you discover techniques to bring the stress levels down. Yoga, meditation, bio-feedback, are some answers, but so are a host of therapies designed to root out the cause and bring you back on an even keel.